wtorek, 12 listopada 2013

When I came back home happy to talk about the new chiropractor I have just met, I was in the bathroom and was telling my wife all about it. She was in the kitchen where she took the shoppings I bought. I said "Please come here so I do not have scream and you can hear". She replied: "I have to be in the kitchen, have to put shoppings away." I said: "Then you will not hear me." Then she came so I explained all about my new chiropractor, a nice guy, with 30 years experience. Finally got some one after being burnt by few quacks. She seems restless. After I finished talking she went beck to the kitchen. I came few seconds after. I saw she is not putting shoppings away so I started doing it as I usually do and said quietly: "You wanted to put things away?" She went furious: "You are not being nice!". "What nice has to do with anything?" - I said. After I said: "I feel you did not wanted to hear me about my new chiropractor." I thought she is not nice. But she thinks I am not nice and ride. What the heck?! Tell me, reader, is she too egocentric and mean or there is something wrong with me?